The pictures below were taken while I was traveling for four weeks in Peru and Bolivia (Dec 2001/Jan 2002).
I used the most basic automatic camera, but still, the pictures show some of the beauty of the places I have seen. I do not have good pictures from Peru because it was often cloudy, but since I created this page mainly for my family and friends to see where I spent my vacation instead of coming home, I put some pictures from Peru as well. In fact, I had so few reasonable pictures (from Peru) that I took the liberty to put some of the pictures that Ori (thanks) took using his camera.
I scanned 40 pictures (around 100 Kbytes each). On my computer I had to set the contrast to the almost maximum possible and the brightness to a high level as well in order for the pictures to look more like the printed ones. The pictures are best viewed with a 1024x768 resolution (or higher); with a smaller resolution you will have to scroll in order to see the full picture.
If you wish to see all the pictures (one per page), start here (the order is more or less chronological). You can also access the pictures directly, as follows.